Ningbo Linhua Plastic Co.,Ltd.
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CPET trays are ideal for raw food preparation

CPET trays are used in a variety of food service applications including vacuum packaging and ready meals. These trays are lightweight and durable, allowing them to be easily packed and unrolled, providing maximum protection. They are also designed to withstand the weight and impact of the food that is placed in them. This is important in maintaining the nutritional value of foods and ensuring that they are as fresh as possible. The CPET tray is a great choice for supermarkets, fast food chains, and catering businesses.
CPET trays provide excellent shelf life, preserving freshness, and reducing food wastage. This material is also recyclable, making it an excellent choice for many types of food packaging. CPET trays are a great option for fast food packaging, as well as for CPET ovens. These trays are ideal for fast food delivery and have excellent barrier properties. They also allow for easy cleaning and are biodegradable.
CPET trays are ideal for raw foods, since they provide excellent flexibility. They are designed to handle a wide variety of raw dishes. As a result, CPET trays are ideal for storing fruits, vegetables, and other raw ingredients. They also have excellent flexibility and are designed to meet the specifications of food service companies. Further, they can be recycled, so they're an environmentally friendly option for fast food packaging.
CPET trays are made to be flexible and durable, making them a preferred choice for food packaging. They also have excellent barrier and temperature resistance properties, which is essential for safe, fresh food for consumers. CPET trays are recyclable, making them ideal for food delivery systems and fast-food outlets. Its versatility makes it an excellent option for fast food packaging. The CPET oven is a perfect choice for high quality foods.
CPET trays are ideal for raw food preparation. Their versatility and reliability make them a perfect fit for a variety of raw foods. They can be used for storage and packaging of fruits and vegetables. Some CPET trays are microwave- and oven-safe, while others are a versatile solution for fast-food delivery systems. It is important to choose the right material for your business. There are a number of advantages to choosing a CPET tray.
The CPET trays are durable and flexible. They can withstand temperature fluctuations and provide safety for consumers. Their dual-oven capabilities make them an ideal choice for fast food packaging. They are also recyclable, which makes them the ideal choice for grocery stores. They can be used in any type of fast-food delivery system, including fast-food and hot-food restaurants. It is also a perfect option for storing fruits and vegetables.


CPET is the material of choice for ready meals due to its superior functional properties and the unique way it combines food safety and circularity.
Our ready meal packaging made from CPET and P are designed to help you deliver ready meal options that meet your customers' needs.

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